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Studying abroad is a life-changing experience filled with new adventures, personal growth, and exciting challenges.

studying abroad

If you have a friend or family member who’s embarking on this incredible journey, you’re probably eager to show your support and celebrate their courage to explore the world.

One of the best ways to do so is by surprising them with thoughtful gifts that can enhance their study abroad experience and make them feel closer to home.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a curated list of gift ideas that are perfect for someone studying abroad.

This post is all about the BEST gift ideas for students studying abroad.

gift for someone going abroad


Best Gifts for Someone Studying Abroad


What to gift someone who is going abroad for studies?

Choosing a gift for someone going abroad for studies can be a meaningful way to show your support and care. Consider items that are practical for their new adventure and also carry a touch of sentimentality.

A useful gift can make their transition smoother, while a heartfelt one can remind them of home and your thoughtful gesture.

Whether it’s something to help them with their studies, travel essentials, or a small keepsake, the right gift can make a significant impact on their journey.

1. Personalized Travel Journal

A travel journal is more than just a book to jot down notes; it’s a keepsake of memories. Gift your loved one a personalized travel journal where they can document their adventures, thoughts, and reflections. You can even add a heartfelt message or their name to make it extra special.


2. Portable Power Bank

Staying connected while abroad is essential, and having a reliable power source can be a lifesaver. A portable power bank ensures that your loved one’s devices, like their phone or tablet, stay charged so they can easily navigate new cities, stay in touch with friends and family, and capture unforgettable moments.




3. Language Learning Resources

If your friend or family member is studying in a non-English-speaking country, consider gifting them language learning resources. This could be a language app subscription, language translator device, phrasebook, or even online language classes to help them become more fluent and immerse themselves in the local culture.

4. International SIM Card or Data Plan

Staying connected is crucial, and an international SIM card or data plan can help your loved one avoid high roaming charges while making calls and accessing the internet. This gift ensures they can stay in touch without breaking the bank.

5. Care Package from Home

Sometimes, the most comforting gift is a taste of home. Put together a care package filled with their favorite snacks, candies, or comfort foods that may be hard to find in their host country. Include a heartfelt note to let them know you’re thinking of them.




6. Travel Adapter and Converter

Different countries have different electrical outlets and voltage standards. A universal travel adapter and voltage converter can help your loved one keep their devices charged and avoid any electrical mishaps while abroad.

7. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Studying abroad often comes with noisy surroundings, whether it’s a bustling city or a dormitory filled with fellow students. Noise-canceling headphones provide a quiet sanctuary for studying, listening to music, or watching movies during long flights.




8. Travel-Friendly Backpack

A high-quality, travel-friendly backpack is a must-have for any student studying abroad. Look for one that’s durable, comfortable to carry, and designed to protect electronics. It’ll be their trusty companion for daily adventures and weekend getaways.


9. Local Experiences

Consider gifting experiences rather than physical items. Research local attractions, tours, or cultural activities in your loved one’s host city and pre-book a few for them. It’s a fantastic way to encourage exploration and make lasting memories.

10. Photobook or Picture Album

Help your loved one preserve their study abroad memories with a custom-made photobook or picture album. Collect photos and mementos from their travels and create a beautiful keepsake they can cherish for years to come.


11. Travel-Size Toiletries Kit

Travel-size toiletries are practical and save space in luggage. Put together a kit with essentials like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a toothbrush. Don’t forget to include a high-quality travel towel, which dries quickly and is easy to pack.


12. Travel-Sized Yoga Mat

A travel-sized yoga mat is perfect for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle while studying abroad. It’s lightweight and easy to pack, allowing your loved one to practice yoga or meditation wherever they go, whether it’s in their dorm room or a scenic outdoor spot.


13. International Streaming Service Subscription

Give the gift of entertainment by providing your loved one with a subscription to an international streaming service. This allows them to access a wide variety of movies, TV shows, and documentaries from different countries, helping them immerse in local culture and languages while relaxing in their downtime.

14. Personalized Map with Pins

Gift a world map or a map of their host country with a set of pins. Your loved one can mark the places they’ve visited or plan to explore, creating a visual representation of their journey.


15. A Piece of Home

Sometimes, all your loved one needs is a reminder of home. This could be a framed photo of family and friends, a hometown souvenir, or even a cozy blanket with sentimental value. These little touches can provide comfort during moments of homesickness.

16. Travel-Sized First Aid Kit

A compact first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, pain relievers, and antiseptic wipes can be a lifesaver during travel. It ensures your loved one is prepared for minor injuries or illnesses while exploring new places.

17. Cooking Classes or Food Tours

Immerse your loved one in the local culture through their taste buds. Gift them a cooking class or a food tour in their host country, where they can learn to prepare traditional dishes or explore local culinary delights. It’s a delicious way to experience the culture firsthand.

18. E-reader or Kindle

For avid readers, an e-reader or Kindle is a fantastic gift. It allows them to carry a library of books without the extra weight and space. They can download novels, textbooks, and travel guides while on the go.

19. Personalized Luggage Tags

Customized luggage tags add a personal touch to your loved one’s luggage and make it easy to identify their bags in a sea of suitcases. You can include their name, contact information, or a meaningful message.


20. Travel Fund Contribution

If you’re unsure about the ideal gift, consider contributing to your loved one’s travel fund. Studying abroad can be expensive, and your financial support can help ease some of the financial burdens.


Choosing the right gift for someone studying abroad is not just about the item itself; it’s about sending a piece of your love and support across the miles. Studying abroad is an adventure filled with new experiences, challenges, and personal growth. By selecting one of these meaningful gifts, you’re reminding them that they have a supportive and caring friend or family member cheering them on from afar.

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